Diwali hiatus

I am back after the holidays. It took a little longer than I thought but hey, at least I feel more refreshed than if I had taken the usual two days off. A few interesting developments this time. Swati will be taking up a teaching job for a while. She thought she was rusting away being “just” a housewife and has decided to see what the job market is up to.

Since she has a doctorate in English linguistics, it’s relatively easy for her to find gainful employment. And because she also has a Bachelors in Education, teaching is right up her alley. But she didn’t want to become part of the rat race quite yet since the kids are still pretty small and need a mother around. By teaching in a school, she’s working for just half the day and she can spend the remaining half with the kids. So she’ll be joining Eva’s school from tomorrow. Ya, pretty short notice! She had gone, more out of curiosity than anything else, to Eva’s principal to enquire about job prospects there and the principal told her to join from Monday. Now she’s nervous. She hasn’t had time to prepare for anything. I don’t think she even knows what subject she will be teaching from tomorrow. But I think she’ll handle it just fine. She loves to talk, 🙂

My problem is that I’ll be staying alone for a week since she’s taken the kids to her uncle’s place on the other end of town. There’s no one here to take care of the baby. There she has her granny who will take care of Anya till the afternoon when Swati returns from school. By next week her parents would also have come back and then her mother has already volunteered to take care of the baby every day till the afternoon. Since my in-laws are retired, it’s a perfect opportunity for them to pass the time. Otherwise they just used to wedge before the TV or go for long walks to pass the day. Now there is a purpose.

Diwali is also a time in Bhopal when a lot of people change jobs. Already at the press two people have left and two others have replaced them. So tomorrow will be a day of trials for me as well while I try to figure out how to handle the two new recruits. It usually takes about a month before any newcomer finds a comfortable niche and moves along smoothly with the rest of us. Till then I just have to hope for the best.

So here’s good luck to all of us.

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