He ran towards it as hard as his legs would carry him. After some time, he became certain of the light. He kept running and the light kept coming closer. He just prayed he would not trip or run out of running space before he got to the light. Now it was becoming bigger and more clear. He could tell it was slightly greenish. He was sure of it. He was not imagining it anymore. It was almost the size of a marble held out at arms length.
Then the light started to grow. He stopped cold. The light continued to grow. It looked like it was coming towards him. He stood still. Soon he could make out small wisps of dull coronas on the surface of the light. It was the size of a melon now but it still looked far away. It started to slow. He looked down. He could see his hands and the grass at his feet. It was getting warmer as well. The light was not very bright. Almost like a full moon but in green.
The wind started to rush around him, through his hair, through his arms. He raised an arm towards the ball to touch it. He couldn’t tell how far it was since he was not able to focus on it. There was no reaction on his hands. But he knew that this was the light he was looking for and he had to get to it before it went away without him.
It started stretching on the sides like someone was pressing down from the top and the bottom. It was elongating, pulling itself on the sides trying to grow. It started to lose altitude and dropped to his eye-level. It grew to the shape of a very large cucumber. He didn’t know whether it was good or bad or even if there was going to be any pain. There was no mention of any of this in any of the material he had read before in preparation of this. He thought hard and decided to take his chances by grabbing it. He reached out again with both his arms.
This time there was a cold contact. He felt like he had just put his hands in a bucket of cold water. It gave way easily but he could tell there was resistance. It was there.
Now the cold started spreading up his arms. It was rising inside him. He rose with the light. His arms started glowing with the same green glow as the liquid like texture started up his arms, surrounding them on all sides. It rose to his neck, then his mouth and down to his feet. As soon as it reached his eyes, green light was all around him, enveloping him in a green cold. It was not unbearable. He was getting excited now. He could feel his fear draining away as he rose higher and higher. Ok, he thought, I might just make it. Lightening flashed out of his hair and when he raised his hands to his face, stray bolts of tingling silver flashed across his finger tips. He realized that he wasn’t breathing anymore and it didn’t seem to be any problem. There was no pain at all.
He threw up his arms and started laughing.
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