The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that human evolution has had outside help. I don’t mean that aliens landed on earth in flying saucers and injected the local primates with altered genetic material, though it does sound nice. There is a huge gap in the intelligence and logic of apes and man. There are also no intermediate races between the two linking us directly.
The universe is very old and things take a long time happening here so I’m amazed that in a fourteen billion year old history, we went from hitting each other on the head with sticks to Shakespeare and Mozart in less than three hundred thousand years. That’s a negligible fraction on a galactic time scale, less than the time it takes us to blink with respect to our lifespan. I think we have had help. Perhaps through radiation or through ingestion (seeds or plants), something gave us a sudden boost in intelligence and logic beyond what can simply be explained by evolution. And at the moment, I am leaving religion out of this but the proverbial apple does come to mind. Good and evil are not natural ideas. I am sure it doesn’t make any difference to a rock or a tree or a horse, and it certainly does not make any difference to stars or planets or galaxies – things in actual abundance in our universe. It takes logic and it takes a lot of concerted effort to come up with something as abstract as good vs. evil. Once you have these then the rest is just a natural progression – heaven & hell, love & hate, mercy & oppression. I am still not talking about God, the concept of God has nothing to do with good & evil, on the contrary, God is a natural progression of it; much like earth and gravity.
So what was it – chance? I doubt it. Scientifically, there is no such thing as chance. We may not understand the mechanism or there may be too many factors we can’t control or take into consideration, but it is not random. If we calculated everything down to the atomic levels and the forces at work down to the last nano-newton, we would know exactly which face the dice will roll each and every time. There is nothing random about it.
I think that our intelligence is intentional. It was created on purpose. I don’t know who did it or why but a cockroach (for example) is far better suited physically to inherit the earth. We are frail and totally defenseless compared to it. But we are able to dominate the cockroach (except in our homes maybe :)). Our intelligence gives us defenses we don’t naturally have. I don’t know the dictionary definition but to me intelligence is the ability to predict the outcome of an event through analysis of other measured or extrapolated occurrences… Wow! Sometimes I impress myself, :).
There is a purpose to us. We all have a job to do even when we don’t have a job to do. Yes, it does make sense because not doing something is also an activity – maybe not the one we are supposed to be doing but it is there. I could try and lace this with dogma but I am desperately trying to figure it out through logic alone. It can be done, I just may have to find new words for it though. Intelligence is not a naturally occurring material in the universe. Someone had to create it.
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